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Iphone 3G PAYG worth it?

In short I currently have a k850i which is an utter pile of s**t and doing my swede. Want to replace it with an iphone but I dont want to get locked into an 18month £35 a month minimum contract. Are they worth spunking £400 on?


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Do the math!

£729 vs £400


For the £729 you get 500 min 600 texts
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Do the math!

£729 vs £400


For the £729 you get 500 min 600 texts

I already knew it was cheaper than locked into a contract if you put aside the minutes and texts. I should have said in comparison to just getting a cheaper PAYG handset. Are they that good/must have I guess is what I'm saying?
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport
i'll get it eventually when an unlock is out i ithink..for now my 2g is fine. i think it's worth it though personally
  Corsa :$
Im having the same dilemma at the contract runs out in November and i want a new phone but i also want to swtich to O2. Ive looked into it aswel with the £35 a month you get unlimited internet access where there is wireless etc and a certain amount of free there point in getting an iphone if you have to pay everytime you want to browse the web?

Im looking at the pros and cons.. plus ive held the iphone in teh shop and its chunky and hard to control.. also the one in the shop wasnt working great because it had been over played with.. whats to say its not going to go like that before the 18months is over!!


ClioSport Club Member
im gonna stick with my 2G, feels better and more sturdy im not keen on the new plastic back and the feel of it in my hand. not that bothered about the 3G or the gps
