So, the news..
- iOS 5 Launched on the 12th of October to mortals, along with iCloud.
- Cards app announced for iOS
- Find my Friends app announced for iOS
- Updates to iPod line, shuffle has revised OS and is now cheaper. iPod Touch now comes in white and is cheaper.
- iPod classic no longer on sale
- iPhone 4S announced October 14th Launch date (next friday) Preording this Friday (7th)
- A5 Chip x7 faster (graphics) than iPhone 4 2x fast in normal use.
- 8 Mega pixel camera, with new interface and new features like face detection
- 1080p video recording and playback
- Airplay mirroring
- improved battery life
- improved antennas (lol)
- HSDPA speed increased to 14.4mbps max
- CDMA and GSM in one phone
- Voice control improvements in the form of Siri Assistant (Massive understatement)

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