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IR remote programing?

  ph1 172
Just bought myslef an IR remote off ebay thinking it would be easy to program to my reciever.

Before i bought the new remote i took the reciever apart and it looked pretty simple. now this transmitter is not so simple. The transmitter has a sticker in it with a number on (a code?)

Anybody know how i can program it in?

If not how much will renault charge?


  RS 182 - Black Gold
i think its £28+vat at Renault, could be more

Find an independant alarm specialist/key programmer

They cut my key infront of me and programmed it to vehicle for £14 :D
  ph1 172
who did you use?

I tried looking up the chip in the transmitter but Philips dont hold onto their old datasheets if they discontinue a chip.
French company arnt they? :D
