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is head unit covered by warranty

  artic blue 182
hi everyone

my cd player in my 182 plays cd's for about 10 secs then an 'err' is displayed and i cant change track or even volume

anyone know if this is covered under warranty??

also if i do change it will a different one work with the steering wheel controls and the display??


  172 Cup
Wether it's covered or not I'd certainly take it back to Renault and get them to sort it.
  artic blue 182
ok cheers guys thought it would be but my mum was told by renault slough hers wasnt a couple of years back, but they are a bunch of knobs

will give renault uk a ring later on
  artic blue 182
said they have to take it out and send it to renault could take up to 4 weeks:rolleyes:

anyone know what i would need to get it to work with the stalks and display if i brought an aftermarket one?
my head unit failed to eject the cd's..i took it to my dealer and they sent it to renault france why who knows...took 10 working days but was done on warrenty no probs..
