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is my car chavvy??


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Not a fan of the red/orange bits, but it's not my car ;)

Don't give lifts to people who are mocking you/your car. F**k 'em ;)

People used to laugh at my 'boy racer' ph1 172 with 'bits stuck on' until they were informed it's actually standard (almost) and hasn't got a bodykit glued on from Halfords.

One of the guys used to take the P on a regular basis, until one day he was talking about his old AMG Merc. Amongst other things, I informed him that the 0-60 was a couple of seconds below his Panzermobile and left him to it !

True story.
Generally, all modified small cars are seen as 'chavvy' by people who aren't really interested in cars.

In my opinion, that's not chavvy at all. Unless those Ultra's are 17's. In which case, it is! ;)
  Clio RS 200
My missus says my 200 looks chavvy and I'm a boy racer because it's got a cup spoiler. I'm 42!:eek:
  120d M Sport
Thats tidy mate!

Tbf most 1.2 Clios are owned by 17/18 year olds now so stereotyping is inevitable, but thats smartly modified so it has some credibility.


  172 track thingy
I like it and obviously u do too so it's all good :)

I got called a chav for havin a fast Renault it's just jealousy tbh :S
  Disastra Coupe
I think the size of the wheels and red badge don't help it. If they were 15s and badge's were standard/black it'd look a lot better imo. But as for chavvy, not really, no.


ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio
only thing with orange badges is i can spot my car a mile off in the car park
  172 cup- suzu rf600r
First thing i noticed was your number plate says BJ (Blow Job, girly snigger)

Other than that nice looking car mate, f**k your uni friends, what do students know anyway?
  Stripped yozza'd cup
Depends what you want from it really.... I quite like the whole black car witha random colour theme thing tbh, but you'll have to be prepared to get a few more chav comments.
Or, you can make it stealth and paint them black.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Wheels look a bit big but it does look bloody clean.

If you like it the way it is, then it shouldn't matter what people say!
  21 Turbo
Coloured badges etc is something we all grow out of mate, you are just stretching your 'any mod will do' legs ;)
It's no different to painting bullets and badges in anthracite to match your wheels as many seem to do on don't look bad at all, it's not weighed down by fibreglass and filler, there's not a neon insight.

Leave it and toot ya pals as they stand at a bus stop, if it's raining, drive thru that puddle n all :rasp:
  SG9 Forester STi
I don't think so at all.

The wheels do look a little on the large side from those pictures but they aren't the worst ones I've seen.

Ignore them, it looks fine and very clean might I add!
I think its because the wheels are too big for the car, and the badges. Otherwise its ok...

Unfortunately, unless the car is worth a bit, you're going to get stereotyped as a chav. To be fair, even on an expensive car, if you modify one the majority of people will think you are a bit of a knob too.
It's a mixture of your age, how you drive and your car. But yes is the answer to your original question.

(Yes, Ali. My purple 106 with angel eyes was/is a chavs wet dream)
  clio, 1.4 dynamique
i think your car is smart mate!

show your mates this! now this is a chavvy car LOL may change their opinions on yours!!


EDIT: i hope know body thinks this is mine!!! :rasp:
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  Inferno 182 & Saxo
My mates probably think my car is chavvy as its orange but what do they know? they ride the bus. Usually the people who are calling stuff "chav" are chavs/kevs/neds themselves
  Listerine & Poledo
as has been said, there are a lot worse out there... and on this forum for that matter.

hell, with these damn stripes, I guess minc would be considered chav ;/


ClioSport Club Member
Hi mate, at the end of the day it's your car, not your mates so it's up to you how it looks. When I first started modifying mine a few of my mates said things, but now all there cars are modified.. Im spraying my diamonds and bullets this weekend still unsure of the colour though orange or yellow, and yellow callipers.... Also how hard is the rear diamond to do Ive heard its a pain in the arse. Cheers :)


ClioSport Club Member
I think its because the wheels are too big for the car, and the badges. Otherwise its ok...

Unfortunately, unless the car is worth a bit, you're going to get stereotyped as a chav. To be fair, even on an expensive car, if you modify one the majority of people will think you are a bit of a knob too.


The fact of the matter is, people who have never had the urge to modify a car, or be an "enthusiast" of some kind. Just use them to get from A to B will frown upon any modified car, or anything non-standard, and sterotype it as being "chavvy". Doesnt matter if its been track prepped with £xxxx spend on it, or a huge bodykit fitted with a £50 paint job, they all come under the same catagory in the general publics eyes.

Its just something you have to live with!

Tell them to bugger off if they want a lift anywhere, as there are plenty of cars worse than yours!
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ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio
wow wasnt expecting four pages, i was considering changing the badge colour cos it has a few stone chips in it and when i get some money together i may get the same wheels in 16" or something but they were on it when i bought it.
  Listerine & Poledo

The fact of the matter is, people who have never had the urge to modify a car, or be an "enthusiast" of some kind. Just use them to get from A to B will frown upon any modified car, or anything non-standard, and sterotype it as being "chavvy". Doesnt matter if its been track prepped with £xxxx spend on it, or a huge bodykit fitted with a £50 paint job, they all come under the same catagory in the general publics eyes.

I dunno about that.
There's a discernable difference between, say, sticking on a new set of wheels, or spending more than the car's worth to make it look like a child threw up skittles onto a picture of a car and was used as inspiration.
