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Isolating Frequencies & Crossovers?

  1.6 Ford Focus
I have a few ££ from Christmas that I probably should save but I need/want new speakers for the Clio as my standard ones are slowly dieing due to my habit if leaving it turned up at level 20 with the bass up full.

I have been looking at component sets and mid range speakers which from what I assume are just components without the tweeters.

My question is all the mid range speakers have a note saying a crossover must be used to isolate the mid range frequencies. Is this really necessary as there are already what look like mid range speakers in Clios as standard? I would guess there is already a crossover for the standard tweeters and door speakers that can be used right?

Also, to save making another topic, are the rear speakers down by the seats in the back the same speakers as the ones in the doors? My idea is to keep tweeters in the dash, put mid ranges in the doors and some coaxials in the back.
  Polo + Micra
well the standard setup doesn't come with a x-over

there is just a hpf on the tweeter

i'd upgrade the front comps with some new comps
