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IT Geeks, Assistance needed with broadband....


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
wondered if anyone can give any advice on the situation.

My dads broadband was working fine up until about a week ago - nothing has changed with the pc setup etc - but now the broadband will only stay connected for 1:48 then it drops out and reconnects and repeats the process. Its highly annyoying and frustrating.

Could this be a virus? Scan hasn't picked anything up.

Any advice would be grand.

p.s We're on Plusnets unlimited plan.
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USB modem or a router?

Usually broadband drop outs are caused by line issues, try changing the micro filters as first port of call.


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
I reset the router, and it stayed up for a few hours, so unless it dies again im gonna leave it be!

Thanks chaps!


ClioSport Club Member
  Shit little Yaris...
Turn off the router, vacuum all the vents on it and keep it openly aired - may be overheating.
