Can you explain this? I thought you put your foot down and off you go? or as in on the road you come from a roundabout give it some welly and away you go?
Ive explained it many times, had a discussion with a few of the meganesport lads last week at a meal about it.
Simple really, i had the 182 thought i was driving fast and on its limits, untill i went on track. I have never been in a situation on the road where i have needed more power.
Yes its fun going fast ect but with other road users about, dodgy road surfaces ect, you can never use the full potential of any fast car.
Yes putting your foot down and off you go fair enough, but you soon reach naughty road speeds.
It goes back to spending money to make a road car slightly faster just doesnt seem to make much sense to me anymore.
I have no problem with people doing it.