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Its died, not happy >:(

  GSXR + KDX220
Well it would seem my slightly tappy engine, suddenly turned into a huge knock this evening and so mr RAC had to come and get me :mad::dapprove:

Sounds as if its bottom end but its hard to tell. It had been running ok too since changing the oil a couple of days ago :(
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ClioSport Club Member
The engine have FSH? You sure you didn't do anything daft at the last oil change like under fill it? Sounds odd to me that it was running well then in the space of two days develops a knock then goes pop.
  GSXR + KDX220
Its not got full renault SH but receipts for cam belt kit etc around 68k, its now on 76k.

Not sure if you saw my other thread about a tapping noise (assumed it was a stuck lifter) so flushed it with some flushing oil and replaced with some 5W 40 and filter the other day. It seemed alot quieter after this so figured problem solved! Oil level was just under max also ;) I know what Im doing with oil changes lol

Then on the dual carriageway today it started tapping a little again, but only on very light throttle, so headed home and was cruising about 75 when suddenly tapping got very loud and almost straight away started knocking like f*** :( So stopped straight away and called RAC
Sorry to hear this fella.

If all fails in finding an engine try

My old 206GTi lump went pop and they found me a new lump the same day. Highly recommend them as I know how your feeling mate.
Not good :(

If you want a second opinion I know a renault master tech, I'm sure he'd be happy to have a look around it
  GSXR + KDX220
Thanks WILLIE, i filled it in for a quote anyway ;)

Cheers Gregg, sounds like a plan, but it does sound pretty terminal tbh, although it was still running suprisingly :O
  Cooksport Fleet
I have heard of engine flushes causing engine blow ups before...could have been some debris which was unclogged and not flushed out...
  GSXR + KDX220
Can a mod please move this thread to a more suitable area, as its more a tech problem now ;)

Possibly mate, used them before with no problems mind, on different cars....

It definately sounds more top end to me now, its more of a loud "clatter" than a thumpy kind of knock that a big end would make. Also, spun it over on the starter with the HT's removed, and it didnt make a sound, so only when under load.

Think the head will have to come off first, is it ESSENTIAL i have the renault specific cam/crank locking tools before removing the belt? I noticed there are some notches on the crank pulley so assume theyre timing marks. And obviously I will be fitting a new belt kit and whatever else needs replacing.

Anyone know the rough cost of new hydraulic tappets and valves incase thats what has failed?
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  Megane 225
Did you check the dephaser cam pulley? This gives a really bad ticking noise and could be your problem!
  GSXR + KDX220
Did you check the dephaser cam pulley? This gives a really bad ticking noise and could be your problem!
Its definately more than a "tick" and is more central on the engine. I'll obviously be checking it though ;)

Originally Posted by Chri5
is it ESSENTIAL i have the renault specific cam/crank locking tools before removing the belt?
Ok, simple as that! Is it because they're alot stronger than the generic ones? Needed for undoing the cam pulleys as the others just bend?
  GSXR + KDX220
Also, has anyone got the part numbers for said tools? And/or pictures? Specifically the cam locking one, thanks
  GSXR + KDX220
Found the part numbers etc :p

Bit of a development....
Ive removed all the stuff that needs to come off except cam belt. Gonna have to order the tools from renault, unless anyone local wants to lend/rent them to me ;)

Thought I'd do a compression test and sure enough somethings up.
1. 180~ psi
2. 180~ psi
3. 120~ psi
4. 180~ psi

Also did a wet test on cylinder 3 and it only went up about 20psi max. All 4 spark plugs look the same and are perfect lightish brown in colour!

Did it several times to make sure and kept getting same results. What is this likely to indicate bearing in mind whats happened above ^^^. A faulty/blocked tappet causing the valve to get damaged and bent? or something is stuck? Any help would be appreciated :)
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  Black Gold Trophy
sounds like it has dropped a valve to me mate, I actually offered the tools to rent on ebay but they never got any interest, drop me a pm if you want to rent them.
  GSXR + KDX220
Cheers bud, Pm'd you earlier about it ;)

Anyone got any other input? Any help would be great...
  GSXR + KDX220
Doesnt seem like anyone's really following this but hey ho, update....

Got my timing tools from renault today so thought great I can crack on and get the head off......NO!!

Fitted the locking tools after pinning the crank and undid the dephaser pulley, tensioner etc etc. Then went to do the exhaust cam pulley and would it move??? Not a chance :mad: It must been done up with an airgun or something, its silly tight! I had a ratchet on it, and the jack handle over this pushing up as hard as I could and it didnt budge a mm! Eventually the ratchet started to bend and the socket began trying to slip. (It was multipoint, not a 6 sided) so I gave up :dapprove:

Any tips for getting around this, bearing in mind I cant take it anywhere
