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Janspeed Exhausts


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC

How do they compare with other brands systems?

It was on the car when I got it - curious as to see if it was better changing to something else.
  2012 WRX Waggon

I had a full janspeed exhaust and manifold on my xr2, and within a year it had nearly rusted away to nothing - was not happy


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC

Quote: Originally posted by visceral on 11 September 2003

I had a full janspeed exhaust and manifold on my xr2, and within a year it had nearly rusted away to nothing - was not happy
Really?! What ever happened to "lifetime warranties" eh?

Was thinking K-tec too but its going to be at least new year before anyhting happens with it - it works what more can I ask?!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC

Just out of curiosity Tom_16v which do you recommend? The one thing I like about the Janspeed is its fairly quiet idling and round towns - more of a "burble" if you will but enough to know it aint standard - But it sounds fantastic when your on full throttle.

Id like soemthing similar to replace it - I dont want a pop pop zing zing plastic carton sound!

And does a de-cat make that much of a difference? I feel a new topic coming on about this!

If you dont really want it too loud, best bet would be a K-Tec zorst and silenced de-cat. The de-cat is probably the best power per pound mod on the market!

I have a janspeed on mine , it was on the car when i got it and i thought 2 myself thats goin straight away but after a couple of months i really like it :)

Gonna get a de cat next so ill tell u soon what it sounds like.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC

Oooh cheers 16vneil keep me updated - I think im gonna get a de-cat after the festivities so id like to hear your veiws!

Had one on a CRX and A MK2 16V golf, loved the subtle quality noise when not gunning it, and the quality deep bass when the 5000, 4000, respectively, revs kicked in. On over-run they are superb too. Rusted extremely quickly though, go for the S1.
