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jet wash/snow foam

  535d / t5 caravelle
ok then, every now and again i like to give the car a good clean, i just use the 2 bucket method, dont have an outside tap or drive etc, so its all done on the roadside, but where planning on moving soon, so hopefully, garage, outside tap etc, anyway, all those who are into proper cleaning, do you have your own jetwash, if so, which is a good one that doesn't cost the earth, dont really know much about this snow foam, except you can take some pretty cool pics when its on lol, but is this something you can only apply with a jetwash?

come the good weather i intend to give the car a good clean.
prepare for the halfords ones to break within days tbh

best off going for a karcher, 3 series and above they can replace the motors in them, ours cost 95 quid and has served us ok thus far.

had a series 2 before, 50 quids worth, broke after a year and bit, cannot be repaired. dont scringe on price now as it will bite you in the arse if you have future issues.

re foam lance,, same for snow foam. all in all about 150 quids worth.

  535d / t5 caravelle
cheers folks, found some karcher ones on ebay, that a few of you seem to be using, for around £90 delivered. i'll purchase one of those
