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jl audio vs. pioneer subs

  Polo + Micra
for sq i'd say the JL would win hands down

loudness the pioneer is going to win (i'm a bit suspect of it's 1kW RMS power handling)

you just need to pick whether you want spl or sq
cheers dink

you wudnt by any chance now the maximum output for those jl audio subs??

i cnt get on to there website, & the stockists websites don't say either
  Polo + Micra
no they are 1000w RMS but as above i have my doubts about a £90 sub taking 1000wRMS
oh kk, so i would be better off gettin the jl audio because they should have better sound quality & in effect would give just as loud sound

thanks alot
I've got the 10 inch version of that one and it's tight yet also can drop - I'd definitely go for the JL over a £90 sub!

As a guide, I've been running an amp at 600wrms into it and it still seems fine. You don't (well, I don't... lol) run it at max power all the time anyway, and the JL will give you a good SQ when you're not :cool: is the best place to ask I'd say - they'll also suggest other options I imagine. You might even find one up for sale 2nd hand on there!
dunnaz said:
quik question

which is the best, imo i cn't really tel the difference


if the above link doesn't work, these are the subs jl audio

They're all the same sub, they just run at different Ohms ratings.

e.g. They are dual voice coil (DVC) so they can run at:
12W3v2-D2 = 1Ohm or 4Ohm (has 2 2Ohm Voice Coils, hence D2)
12W3v2-D4 = 2Ohm or 8Ohm (has 2 4Ohm Voice Coils, hence D4)
12W3v2-D6 = 3Ohm or 12Ohm (has 2 6Ohm Voice Coils, hence D6)

You need to pick the one that will match your amp best. Usually, lower Ohms = more power capability due to less resistance, so look for a monoblock amp that can do 1ohm and match it to a D2 running in parallel to get the most for your money :evil: (though SQ will suffer a little, they're still good subs so it's not that bad!)
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Do you have to go with JL amps? You might be able to get more bang for your buck if you're willing to go with a different brand and/or go secondhand.
infinity or pioneer !! those are the other two

reason is i can get these brand cheap from my cousin
hmmmm haven't had any experience of those...

Have you logged onto TalkAudio? Plenty of guys on there who have lots of knowledge - stick a post up detailing what your budget is, what you like listening to, what you want (SPL or SQ), and the fact you have those 3 brands to pick from, and hopefully someone will come back! :)
What's your budget anyway?

I'd be tempted to get a D4 sub and then run it in parallel (to show 2ohms) off a JL e1400D. That should give 400-500wrms at 2ohms and be running the sub still within its limits but loud :evil:

Or you could get two subs? That way you could run two D2's (both wired up in parallel therefore showing 1ohm each, but then wired together in series to show 2ohm overall) and run them off a e1800D. Should give you 800-1000wrms at 2ohms, which should keep you entertained :p
ill ask at talkaudio, cheers for that,

my budget is £700-£800 max. but the head unit i want is £280, so for sub, amp(s), componenets = £420-£520
cheers for that, how much would you reckon i should pay for fitting??

i can get the wires & MDF money off my parents, lol
tru, would save loadz, i've got loadz of friends at school that would help me out as well

great idea, i could have them all around my house for tea & scones!!! lol, jokin,

but i will c if i can get sum cheap/free help
Good plan. Going to a shop will cost loads and you can't guarantee that some 'yoof' won't just bodge it. Also I'd prefer to fit it in my garage where no-one can see rather than have shop people know what's gone in!
  On the lookout
Might wanna look at a Genesis Profile Sub... Very capable, I'm running 2x 12w3v2's off this, 550w rms... but will run a single at 300w lovely!
