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Joomla Web site experts look here

  Bus w**ker
If you can get in to your admin panel at all (not sure you can from the white page link above) turn on error reporting and then visit a white page link and see what the error is. Fix the error and it will probably all come back, normally a screw component.

If that doesn't work, just upload a recent backup and then CAREFULLY remove the unwanted templates making regular backups during the process.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
cant get into anything

site only migrated from 1.0 to 1.5 yesterday so no backup of 1.5 :(
  Bus w**ker
You could try to add the following to the very end of the your config.php file

ini_set( 'display_errors', true ); error_reporting( E_ALL );

Then go to the white page link and see if that gives you any clues.

Or you could roll back to a 1.0 backup from before you updated to 1.5 and then update again?


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
code added but as you can see nothing.

the only way i can see is reinstalling joomla :(
so many hours wasted yesterday
  Bus w**ker
Hmm actually the source code for the blank page is empty. Just check in /root/public_html/test1/administrator/ and see if there is an index.html or index.htm file. If so, try renaming it/them to something else and then try the admin link again.
  Bus w**ker
How many bytes is it? Was you config.php file correct when you went in it a minute ago? You might want to try renaming the current config.php file and editing a clean fresh version with your server details and then trying the admin link again.

(Yes I am guessing. I f**king hate Joomla)


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
theres 3x index.php files
index = 2155bytes
index2 = 558bytes
index3 = 591 bytes

heres my config.php file

$mosConfig_MetaAuthor = '0';
$mosConfig_MetaDesc = 'Laser Man .... Service in minutes not days !!
laser shows, laser projectors, 445nm, 405nm, 660nm, 640nm, 635nm, 642nm, 532nm, arctos, laser pointer, laser pen, green laser, red laser, blue laser';
$mosConfig_MetaKeys = 'laser shows, laser projectors, 445nm, 405nm, 660nm, 640nm, 635nm, 642nm, 532nm, arctos, laser pointer, laser pen, green laser, red laser, blue laser';
$mosConfig_MetaTitle = '1';
$mosConfig_absolute_path = '/home/laserman/public_html/2006';
$mosConfig_admin_expired = '1';
$mosConfig_allowUserRegistration = '0';
$mosConfig_back_button = '1';
$mosConfig_cachepath = '/home/laserman/public_html/2006/cache';
$mosConfig_cachetime = '900';
$mosConfig_caching = '0';
$mosConfig_db = 'laserman_laserman';
$mosConfig_dbprefix = 'jos_';
$mosConfig_debug = '0';
$mosConfig_dirperms = '';
$mosConfig_editor = 'none';
$mosConfig_enable_log_items = '0';
$mosConfig_enable_log_searches = '0';
$mosConfig_enable_stats = '0';
$mosConfig_error_message = 'This site is temporarily unavailable.<br /> Please notify the System Administrator';
$mosConfig_error_reporting = '-1';
$mosConfig_favicon = 'favicon.ico';
$mosConfig_fileperms = '';
$mosConfig_fromname = 'Laser Man';
$mosConfig_frontend_login = '1';
$mosConfig_frontend_userparams = '1';
$mosConfig_gzip = '0';
$mosConfig_helpurl = '';
$mosConfig_hideAuthor = '1';
$mosConfig_hideCreateDate = '1';
$mosConfig_hideEmail = '0';
$mosConfig_hideModifyDate = '0';
$mosConfig_hidePdf = '0';
$mosConfig_hidePrint = '0';
$mosConfig_hits = '1';
$mosConfig_host = 'localhost';
$mosConfig_icons = '1';
$mosConfig_item_navigation = '1';
$mosConfig_lang = 'english';
$mosConfig_lifetime = '9000000';
$mosConfig_link_titles = '0';
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$mosConfig_live_site = '';
$mosConfig_locale = 'en_GB';
$mosConfig_mailer = 'mail';
$mosConfig_mailfrom = '';
$mosConfig_ml_support = '0';
$mosConfig_multipage_toc = '1';
$mosConfig_offline = '0';
$mosConfig_offline_message = 'This site is down for maintenance.<br /> Please check back again soon.';
$mosConfig_offset = '0';
$mosConfig_offset_user = '0';
$mosConfig_pagetitles = '1';
$mosConfig_password = '';
$mosConfig_readmore = '1';
$mosConfig_secret =
$mosConfig_sef = '1';
$mosConfig_sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
$mosConfig_session_life_admin = '9000000';
$mosConfig_session_type = '0';
$mosConfig_shownoauth = '0';
$mosConfig_sitename = 'Laser Man';
$mosConfig_smtpauth = '0';
$mosConfig_smtphost = 'localhost';
$mosConfig_smtppass = '';
$mosConfig_smtpuser = '';
$mosConfig_uniquemail = '1';
$mosConfig_user =
$mosConfig_useractivation = '0';
$mosConfig_vote = '0';
setlocale (LC_TIME, $mosConfig_locale);
ini_set( 'display_errors', true ); error_reporting( E_ALL );
Last edited by a moderator:
  Bus w**ker
I'd lose the username too...and then change your secret key and password when you're done.
  Bus w**ker
Mate, I'd just roll back to your 1.0 backup from before you carried out the update to 1.5. Clean things up in 1.0 first and then backup and try to update again. You may want to also consider moving to Wordpress, it's a much better product IMHO.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
usernames are all the same on joomla admin

but if i ever get it work again which is very unlikely ill change it


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
Mate, I'd just roll back to your 1.0 backup from before you carried out the update to 1.5. Clean things up in 1.0 first and then backup and try to update again. You may want to also consider moving to Wordpress, it's a much better product IMHO.

sadly all i know is joomla :(

i cant rool back all i can do is reinstall joomla
  Bus w**ker
usernames are all the same on joomla admin

but if i ever get it work again which is very unlikely ill change it

It wasn't your Joomla login I was worried about mate, you posted up the full details to your php db...
sadly all i know is joomla :(

i cant rool back all i can do is reinstall joomla
Do you not have a full backup from 1.0 from before you updated to 1.5? If so you can use that, just drop all the current db tables and clear out the directories, then reupload and import your 1.0 db.

You'd be surprised just how much simpler, flexible and user friendly wordpress is compared to Joomla. It's free too, seeing as you've got your own shared server space just upload the wp files to a new directory in public_html and setup a second seperate db for it. You can then play with that along side Joomla and neither will interfere with each other.
  Bus w**ker
Lines you desperately need to edit from your config.php post above are:



ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
ok cheers.

yeah i have a full backup of 1.0, but to go from 1.0 to 1.5 you have to install joomla.

might look into it once i get this sorted
  Bus w**ker
Just worry about getting your site back up and running first, whilst it's down you're losing money and getting bad hits from spiders. Once it's back up and stable on 1.0 clear out anything that you don't want/need (modules/components/templates etc) and backup constantly. Then when you're happy do a full server and db backup and update to 1.5 again. When it's up and running and you know you can use the whole site do a full server and db backup again. Then go playing ;).
  Bus w**ker
cant been longer than 15min, have emailed admin

:S The config.php file itself is fine, it's the fact that the details are publicly posted above! You need to edit your post and remove the above lines. (Although they will have been spidered by now so changing the db password now and the Joomla secret key, once the sites back up, are vital).


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
i dont have a problem with using joomla i know most things aboout 1.5, apart from stupid problems like this.

but i may give wordpress ago at some point
