I have soooo many questions! lol
Right so I downgraded to 1.1.1 from 1.1.2 and jailbroke the touch. I've currently installed NES emulator, Summerboard and Finder.
- What are the best apps etc to install?
- Where is the best place to download ROM games for it is there any good sites etc? What are the best games to download? Also can I actually download the ROM games and install them from the touch itself through safari or do I need to download them on my PC then transfer to my touch?
- How do I install the iMunchies and iBeer apps?
- How can I download video podcasts from iTunes from the touch itself?
- What kind of video files do they accept, I tried putting some AVI's onto it through iTunes but it wouldnt let me
Don't they accept avi files (Shame if now as I have loads of family guy AVI's full episodes I could actually put on)
- Is it possible to download videos from youtube and save them in my videos to watch when i'm not online?
- Can I install the flash player so that I can watch youtube videos when browsing through safari?
There will probably be more questions but I just cant think off the top of my head at the moment. Thanks alot