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Just fitted my ktec k4 exhaust...

  Audi S3 225

And its sounds like a beast, much better than my old peco back box. One thing though, it hangs down quite a bit and sticks out at the back a little as well. Me and my m8 fitted it ourselves and it was a bit rushed.

Is there anyway of getting the exhaust to sit higher, up against the bumper would be nice. I heard about height adjustable things, but I aint got nothing like that just a round bracket that wraps around the exhaust and a part goes of into the bungee thing. Also we couldn’t seem to not get the exhaust to go back anymore so it sticks out an inch too much. And one more thing when u look under the car the whole middle section seems to be hanging down a little more than I remember my old one doing.

Overall the exhaust sounds f**king phat, plus with the pipercross induction kit sounds even better, nice one David.


does it have an adjustable braket??

if so twist it round and it will bring the exhaust nearer to the bumper
  Audi S3 225

I dont think I have the adjustable bracket, looks to me like its a normal bracket that holds the exhaust up. With a part going of into the bungee thing.

I’ve managed to get the exhaust to sit up tight to the bumper and have also sorted the middle pipe section so its tucked up to the car.

All I did was remove the middle brackets metal bit and chopped a little off drilled a new hole and because its now shorter it doesn’t hang down as much. Plus it’s now helped the back box as it also doesn’t hang down as much either.

Also I’ve noticed that its not as loud as it was at first, when I first put it on it was so loud my ears bleed, now is a little quieter I can at least think while driving now.

Very pleased with my purchase

K-Tec Racing

ClioSport Trader

Lonesy, the band around the back box is the adjustable bracket. If you slacken it off a bit and push the silencer up the box will move up.

I hope this helps.



  Audi TT Stronic

Quite fancy the K6 exhaust for my car.. dont want a really loud exhaust though.. just a bit of a growl when you put your foot down.
