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Just Got 3 Points!!!

  BMW M3 - For Sale!

i just got 3 points on my license cos sum tw*t with a handheld laser gun decided to point it onto my car.

i was doin 42 (i think) in a 30 but the road was clear with no pedestrians on either paths. Its also a straight road with one tiny corner which is where the 2 officers were standing.

theyve given me a producer and thats when theyll send my license off for 3 points as well.

is there anything i can do to get out of the points? anything at all?!
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport

sh*t mate sorry to hear, i dont think u can do much. theres a site im sure someone will tell you about which has a lot of information on the subject you might want to take a look at.
  BMW M3 - For Sale!

p.s. in the time i was talking to the officers, two other cars got pulled over (only 3 cars went past in this time!) and they got done for similar speeds (42, and 43)
  Ziel Nurburgring

Think they have a good grip on your short and curlies mate. You going to have to pay the fine and take the points. No real excuses are there
  BMW M3 - For Sale!

he just showed me the screen on the gun and said thats the speed you were going at... i just carried on looking at him

doesnt look gd

think the only way to have got out of that would have been to eat him

i was lucky, they pointed that sh!t at me but i carried on and didnt stop, think i needed 2 clean my ears out, couldnt hear what they were shouting at me

At the end of the day you were caught speeding in a 30 limit.

The fact that no-one was around was just lucky and it is not an excuse.

It is very doubtful there is any way out of points and a fine.

If you are only just going over 30 you can sometimes take the choice of re-educating at a driver centre but that will not happen when you are doing 42 in a 30.

bad luck mate
  BMW M3 - For Sale!

Quote: Originally posted by DAVE_RSi on 14 January 2005

think the only way to have got out of that would have been to eat him
lol... ill go see if hes still there...
  BMW M3 - For Sale!

thanks wanderer.

apparently, the gun that got me is very unreliable and they want to hear about every case that involves one of those guns...

ill keep you all updated!


ClioSport Club Member

Should just take your fine and points mate and put it down to experience, and dont do it again.

I doubt highly whether youd be able to get off with it siting that the gun is unreliable.

the leaste you acn do is ask for the photos! if your gonna pay 60quid at leaste have a souveneer!

My mate saw a camera in a 60limit he was speeding, theres 2 pictures

1st his car leaning to the front as he slams anchors

2nd hes giving the camera the finger :p
  BMW M3 - For Sale!

lol well done! lol

the gun that got me didnt get my reg number or take any pictures so im sure i can appeal some how!

Quote: Originally posted by BluePete on 15 January 2005

the leaste you acn do is ask for the photos! if your gonna pay 60quid at leaste have a souveneer!

My mate saw a camera in a 60limit he was speeding, theres 2 pictures

1st his car leaning to the front as he slams anchors

2nd hes giving the camera the finger :p
he managed to get his finger out the window in a half second???

take the punishment

you done the crime, now suffer the punishment

loads of us here have done the same, just put it down to experience

its a 30 for a reason, if youre going to speed, make it only in a 50 or a 70 (i dont condone speednig, but there should be less danger in these areas)
  Mondeo STTDCI

Stop whining pay the fine and take the points.

Take it on the chin lad. You knew you were doing wrong and now you have to suffer the consquences of your wrongdoing lad.
