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Just Jpegs?

  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
Hi, I've got a Canon 400D, Which i find great, But I'm finding it a bit of a palavour editign each photo in PS to make it a jpeg. I dont mind doing it for images I like, But I'm ebaying a fair bit of stuff and this is getting a bit of a mission, So I've started using my old Cybershot (ironically, one of the items I as going to ebay!), IS there a wayof making it Jpeg only, As all the uploaders don't take RAW. I've read the manual and I'm sure I've put it on the right setting to do this, But Obv not!
Ummm I have a 350d... dunno if it's the same on the 400D but you just go into MENU and under menu1 slect quality and change it to whatever you want?
The menu you're after is the camera symbol with the 1 next to it, and the first selection is quality. The 'L' indicates large Jpeg.

It's pretty self explanatory tbh!
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