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Just matz problems

  172 Cup 2003
Is it just me who have some problems with just matz basic customer relations?...

on the 26/9 i sent my design to them on the 29th i paid for them, sent them several e-mails asking whn they would be ready etc..heard nout.

So on Tuesday i gave them a call i was told they were just packaging them as we speak and they'll by with me Wednesday morning(they would even call me tuesday if they had a problem)...feeling alot happier i waited & waited and still nothing so hoping this mornng they would come...Still Nothing...e-mailed them this morning still nothing.

i know i sound like i'm moaning but if they turned around when i ordered and said it would be 'X' amount of days i would of been happy
  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2
Over promise, under deliver. Same with most companies mate. I agree - if they said, sorry we're a bit busy its going to take a few extra days you wouldn't mind.

  172 Cup 2003
yeah just bit of a pain @ the end of the day...only so much waiting you can do..wait go polish something in my engine bay lol..going to annoy them and give them a buzz @ lunch
  172 Cup 2003
gone straight to answerphone...anyone on here work for Justmatz who could help me find out bit more about whats happening?
