I didn't like the demo at all, felt as if the cars were floating, not my bag baby.
graphics was s**t, cars float, hard to controll. HDR sucks on it too. Too much Bloom.
It wasnt all that graphicly intense but i rammed it up full notch and my compy was going so slow. amazing how it can play every other game, like stalker on full whack and its fine and yet this makes my compy look s**t.
I played the demo on my 360 and I didnt feel it was fast either when compared to TDU and PGR3.
i thought it was a bargain might give some welcome relief from the sim ness of forza 2
I played the demo on my 360 and I didnt feel it was fast either when compared to TDU and PGR3.
you had framerate issues ??
it feels like an arcade game and is more fun because of it compared to the out and out sim of forza. forza isnt a pick up and play game dirt is and for 29 its not alot is it