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Just to top it off !


  RS 182 - Black Gold
Since starting work ive been really busy and looks like ill be busy until im back at Uni again.

So ive not really had time to play with the car as its practically in a state of how i want it and its now just a case of keeping it running etc...

So my itchy fingers have been wanting to mod something lol

With the lack of free time i have been working on this project for 2 weeks, the idea has been in my head tho for about a year now heheh (slacker!)

Was fed up with my TomTom sat nav setup.... cabling, cradle etc.
So needed a proper install which cud be removed if the car was sold.

So i began devising a way and ended up with the following:

How ive been driving for the last 2 weeks



Now the cleaver bit!

Full mould of the dash top with my TomTom cradle part cut into place. Power cabling done via the back and then re-trimmed with the same vinyl top as dash. To give a clean OEM finish.

The swivel base still works and functions completly well. All features still work with built in bluetooth handsfree etc..



TomTom just clips into place and remain solid!
Able to swivel from passanger to driver.


TT powers on when car starts up and powers down when i turn off ignition :approve:



All working on my test run!


Now with TT removed im left with a very OEM look install with no wiring or messy cradles to see


And just a quickclip of it working (excuse the shaky camera hehe)

Enjoy ! :star:

*I looked at doing this with the new range *10 series, but the cradle will not allow this type of install.


  White Megane R26 F1 230
Nice one mate, thats a great bit of kit. You could make some money with that idea...£££

All you need now is the Ozzy voice! lol


  RS 182 - Black Gold
Thanks for the positive comments.

Total pain in the arse to make actually!
But i had to do some thing lol in pure Has fashion :clap:

Heres a piccy if uve not seen the motor before

  Chocolate Bar™
looks good! am I still allowed to come down on thursday to pick up my stickers after/before the meet? i'll have a good snoop around then

still got first dibs on those wheels as well :rasp:


  RS 182 - Black Gold
Middo - Yep no probs there.

I shud be home from work.
U can come round before or after


  RS 182 - Black Gold
Ali said:
Top job...But i'd still rather a flip out HU.

I have a lfip out unit still and tbh the sat nav on that is useless !

Feature wise it cannot compete with mr tomtom

Plus now i can watch a DVD while being directed ;) (.....samsh) :rasp:
Piss poor, if it did the whole rising-out-of-the-dash thing (like the flying lady in a Rolls Royce grill) I'd be more impressed.

Nah, that's actually quite impressive, could never do that myself.
  2007 MK5 VW Golf TDi
That is cool... any chance of a full guide on how you did this? I am very interested in doing the same as you as I hate the tacky brackets that are supplied with A/M Sat nav!!


  RS 182 - Black Gold
Lee said:
Fantastic Has.

You might want to start up in business the way things are going. lol


I did think about that when i looked at all the things i have made from those carbon bits down to this hehe

Mite be a sideline as i dont think itl pay as good as Motorola ;)


  RS 182 - Black Gold
nelson182 said:
Very brave taking all the dash etc off!!

Its not that bad, afterall ive done it well over 20 times now to various members cars lol

Dan Page, SteveC024, Chris etc.... lol

Bring It On! :evil:

As it stands i didnt take any pics of the rear of the car as theres no back seats, belts, trim, panels etc.... heheh :rasp:

*more to come* lol
  2007 MK5 VW Golf TDi
Heres a nice splash screen for your Tomtom to compliment it... Although you might want to lose the 172 as yours obviously isn't one... ;)

*Just convert to Bitmap and save to splash.bmp


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