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K-tec/Janspeed Slash Cut Exhaust

  Clio 182 Trophy
Hi i recently purchased a Janspeed system from K-tec for my 182 Trophy, fitting went fine all lines up spot on when cold.

Now when the system gets hot it expands and moves from the center of the bumper cutouts to the right hand side of the vehicle/offside. Does anyone else's do this or is it just mine?
This wouldn't be so much of an issue however im finding the tail pipe nearest the offside is almost touching the black bumper cutout trims.

I was just wondering due to the tail pipes not being braced would a brace across the tail pipes fix this as the one on the nearside moves no where near as much, it just seems to come out more.

Any help would be appreciated.
  E46 M3
With the standard exhaust mounts mine moved right when on a trackdays. Using powerflex mounts now and its rock solid all the time
