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K850I - More Problems


ClioSport Club Member
I know there is a question and answer sticky, but I don't understand most of what is said in it. So could anyone please help me.

I'm on Orange, running software version 1200 - 4398, R1EC001, 080225.

1 - Is there anyway I can change the home screen on it, as it currently has this annoying tool bar thing on the left, with messages, contacts etc on. I want rid of that, so that all I have on the home screen is the time, and whether or not I have an alarm set.

2 - Can someone do a step by step guide to de-branding the phone, so that I can run the latest software version, and hopefully it not run painfully slow.

Thanks in advance.
  Mk2 Golf GTI
1 - Settings > General > Homescreen > Sony Ericsson

2 I Have no clue about.

I'm getting pissed off with mine at the mo. since i updated it keeps resetting my theme to the default. very annoying.
Menu - Settings - Display - Clock Size

To de-brand search google for debranding k850i. Cost me about £8.

