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I have a cup as you all know (sh*t that was a good start) and i want to fit the koncept spoiler that is on ktecs 172 ..will it fit my spoiler of do i need to sell the cup a 172 spoiler and then buy the koncept spoiler and fit it to from all please!!!!

10.00 sh*t i dont know mate but i wuld be defo interested!!!! i thought realistically coz the cup spoiler is alot more about i give you my spolier and you give me your spoiler plus lights and i hand over 30.00
  Burgandy 174 sport t

means i gotta run about with a blue spoiler for a whily though. il have a think and let you know.

that works the same for me mate!!! go on you know it mkes sense!!!! think the spoiler is over 200 new!!! think
  Burgandy 174 sport t

black car blue spoiler? blue car standard plastic spoiler dont stick out quite as much i think. where are you ne way before we start arrangin sh*t?

im near sheffield mate so could meet you there as a central point ...its up to you mate at least you get the cup spoiler, get rid of the lights pls some cash..i will give you my front grill free if you do the dirty deal

only joking mate..i havent got anything sorted yet for the front grill mate but i will do shorrtly ringing up a company we gonna do this then mate!!! 30.00 cash soundsbetter!!!! could you send me some pics of the lights mate i know what they look like but just so i can see them..i can send you a pic of the spiler if you wish..cheers mate

ok mate..wot i really wanted to do*t i dont know what to do???? how about if i send you the spoiler for just the lights and you sell the spoiler seperately!!!!
