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Krispy Kreme - Bristol Sunday 4th March 7pm

  Megane 225 F1
First KK meet of 2012. Be good to see some of the new faces that have poped up on here recently and of course, some of you old faces ;)

When: Sunday 4th March
Time: 7pm
Where: Krispy Kreme (AvonMeads) BS2 0SP

​Who's up for it? :)
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  Lunar Mk1 & Flamer
Re: Krispy Kreme - Bristol Saturday 3rd March 7pm

Love to make this but The Lunar wont be ready and i'm still un-able to drive :(
  F4r'd Clio 1.2 16V
Re: Krispy Kreme - Bristol Saturday 3rd March 7pm

ill be sure to come although i dont have a clue what or where krispy kreme is :S sorry it will be my first meet as i only really joined CS a few weeks ago :eek:, can someone give me better details? cheers :D!


South Central- West Berks
ClioSport Area Rep
Re: Krispy Kreme - Bristol Saturday 3rd March 7pm

I might come along to this Will. It would be good to catch up with you and Dan :)

ill be sure to come although i dont have a clue what or where krispy kreme is :S sorry it will be my first meet as i only really joined CS a few weeks ago :eek:, can someone give me better details? cheers :D!


Area Rep is rubbish not putting a proper address in the OP ;)
  F4r'd Clio 1.2 16V
Re: Krispy Kreme - Bristol Saturday 3rd March 7pm

ahh thats better thanks guys ;)! and is it a dougnut shop? haha :eek:, i feel like such a tit but i really have no clue!
  182 Cup
Re: Krispy Kreme - Bristol Saturday 3rd March 7pm

I'm up for this, it'll be my first meet too, don't know where it is but I'm sure sat nav will get me close.
  182 Cup
Re: Krispy Kreme - Bristol Saturday 3rd March 7pm

It's not done me wrong yet and I use it everyday for work so here's hoping as I'd really love to make it there!
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Re: Krispy Kreme - Bristol Saturday 3rd March 7pm

Might be able to make it, so just replying to subscribe to the thread.
  Clio 182
Re: Krispy Kreme - Bristol Saturday 3rd March 7pm

I'm off to London that weekend :( been waiting for a sw meet too!


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
Re: Krispy Kreme - Bristol Saturday 3rd March 7pm

You had to pick the one day I can't go, didn't you?

Have fun anyway guys and girls ;)
  Mental 172 Cup
Re: Krispy Kreme - Bristol Saturday 3rd March 7pm

What day can everyone go then? Why don't we arrange it so everyone can turn up. Like the Sunday or something?? Need to have at least one good meet this year. As we didn't have one last year. ;)
  Clio 182
Re: Krispy Kreme - Bristol Saturday 3rd March 7pm

Well I can do Mon-thurs before or mon-sun after lol! I might be able to get back Sunday in time but it will be hit or miss!
  Megane 225 F1
Re: Krispy Kreme - Bristol Saturday 3rd March 7pm

What day can everyone go then? Why don't we arrange it so everyone can turn up. Like the Sunday or something?? Need to have at least one good meet this year. As we didn't have one last year. ;)

LOL! We had a few successful meets...

Like Luke has said, if people want to change it to a Sunday, that's no problem.


ClioSport Club Member
Re: Krispy Kreme - Bristol Saturday 3rd March 7pm

A Sunday is better for me. A Saturday is beer night.
  Mental 172 Cup
Re: Krispy Kreme - Bristol Saturday 3rd March 7pm

I think a Sunday meet would get more people turn up as people like to get smashed Sat night, not sat in Krispy Kremes talking about Clios.

I think Josh is also going to be washing my eyebrows aswell so doubt I'll be able to make it. ;)
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Re: Krispy Kreme - Bristol Saturday 3rd March 7pm

Be my guest, how about if you don't show up aswell? If its such a 'LOL' place :/

I woudlnt be going to be a tourist in bristol, I'd be going to meet some like minded enthusiasts.

Will be funny to see if you get in such a pissy everytime I dare to speak in real life as you do on here TBH, you seem to get a proper little hate hardon going everytime you see my name on the screen, lol
  182 Cup
Re: Krispy Kreme - Bristol Saturday 3rd March 7pm

Not fussed either way Saturday or Sunday is good as long as it goes ahead.
  Mental 172 Cup
Re: Krispy Kreme - Bristol Saturday 3rd March 7pm

I woudlnt be going to be a tourist in bristol, I'd be going to meet some like minded enthusiasts.

Will be funny to see if you get in such a pissy everytime I dare to speak in real life as you do on here TBH, you seem to get a proper little hate hardon going everytime you see my name on the screen, lol

Im chilled as a bean. I would also avoid you like the plague.
  Megane 225 F1
Re: Krispy Kreme - Bristol Saturday 3rd March 7pm

Plus wun.

Right, I'm changing this to Sunday night. Not because I want to go out and get smashed Saturday night (I think I need to give that up don't I Luke :eek: ), but it seems more people would be interested in Sunday night.
  Clio 182 Turbo
i will try and make it but the car doesnt have a gearbox in it at the moment so depending if i can get off my ass and sort it!
