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Lacquer on bullets?

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
What lacquer do people put on painted bullets? The last two attempts I've done, it's reacted very badly to the paint on the bullets themselves - both plastic paint and enamel based paint.

Any suggestions would be muchos appreciated.

  Golf GT & A4 Avant
Not bullets, but I've recently painted a few badges and exhaust trims with halfords plastic primer, paint and lacquer and had no issues with it reacting

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
That's intersting Dave. It's the Halford's lacquer that I used. Strange how it reacted to the Halfords black enamel spary paint and also some model-shop black plastic paint too in exactly the same way. It just bubbled the paint on the bullets like mad.

Either I'm using the wrong combination of stuff, or I've got a dodgy tin of lacquer!



ClioSport Moderator
Very weird, why are you using enamel paint though? Try your tin of lacquer with some standard halfords spray, see if you get the same results...

If you do, dodgy tin of lacquer.
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
I used the lacquer over some modelling paint and it looked like it tried to react but only used light coats at a time. How heavy / thick was the lacquer applied?

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Very weird, why are you using enamel paint though? Try your tin of lacquer with some standard halfords spray, see if you get the same results...

If you do, dodgy tin of lacquer.

I tried the enamel one after the plastic model paint reacted. Clutching at straws, I guess. ;)

This happened to me on a pair of handles, was the actual paint (the colour) sticky when dry?

No m8 - super smooth as a matter of fact. I'd even left them over two days since the last coat of paint (I did a really good job on them - for me anyway, as well :() before applying the lacquer.

I used the lacquer over some modelling paint and it looked like it tried to react but only used light coats at a time. How heavy / thick was the lacquer applied?

Could be that Dave. I didn't put a dusting of lacquer spray on there, but neither did I drown the bullets in the stuff either. I did shake the lacquer bottle for a good few minutes before using it too. It starts bubbling within five seconds or so - progressively getting worse until the reaction stops.

