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Leaking interior in a 172!!!!

  White Evo V
Can anyone help me, I have a clio 172 2002 and every time i wash the car under the drivers seats gets as wet as an otters pocket!!!! big puddle!! anyway It cant be coming from the door as there is no water anywhere else in the car (door trims, seats, rest of carpet stays dry). It really pissin me off now though as the car is always steamed up!! anyone got any advice as I dont fancy paying the labour charges at renault for them to find the problem!! Thanks
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
Have a look under the front scuttle panel. The alarm "fitters" were quite prone to punching holes through the bulkhead in preference to opening up the grommet and sealing it afterwards.

Other possibility, has the car had a replacement screen, has it been properly bonded ?

Most big screen fitting companies have a leak detection machine at their depots. Its an ultrasonic device which is capable of finding the way into a Scotsmans purse.
  White Evo V
haha! Thanks Il have a look at them, I just thought its a bit weird as theres no water anywhere else apart from under the drivers seat!! Thanks :D
BrianR said:
Most big screen fitting companies have a leak detection machine at their depots. Its an ultrasonic device which is capable of finding the way into a Scotsmans purse.

