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Leaking washer fluid

  clio 172 phase 2
Filled up my windscreen washer bottle to the brim and basically i got out my car a noticed a very large puddle of washer fluid on the floor on the passenger side just under the bumper i belive the xenon washer is at fault . Could it be a broken pipe? Or somthing .
  182, 6r GTi
its most probably the bumper jet itself bud mine was doing exactly the same. got the cup blanks to replace as i was fed up of going to clean my screen and having no juice
  182, 6r GTi
i used a peice of the old pipe to connect the 2 washers together were they meet in the wheel arch. then if your woried they might pop off put a cable tie around each one.
  Listerine & Poledo
if you've got Xenons, you need the washers... I think.

Isn't it a legal requirement, along with the auto-leveing or something?

I had the same problem when I had the bumper off for some work too, the garage had it back for an hour and it's been fine ever since. This was a couple of years ago.
  clio 172
yes as of the thread the other day app next year you will need washers with xenons now for MOT true or not best to keep them ! and mine does the same thing, its funny you crap yourself and think oh no i am leaking oil? then you smell it and you smell citrus screen wash, well in my case you do ! :p
  clio 172 phase 2
Cheers for the help guys had a look tOday the actuall washer jet has cracked. So for now Ive just blocked the pipe . Intil i get a new jet for the stealer
