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Locking My Clio

  Golf GTD

I found today that if i lock my car using the passenger side keylock (the only lock on the car) it only locks the passenger door, not my drivers door, or the boot.

however if i plip the key, it locks all of them.

Do i have a faulty central locking system?

(Im Driving a 53 reg authentique btw)
  Scooby STi, FiestaST

nope thats normal

basically if you want to lock without setting alarm (if fitted) get in the passenger side, press the button on the dash to lock doors and boot, get out of the passenger side and then lock with the key....

[Edited by the_ferret on 06 September 2005 at 12:00am]
  Atlantis Blue 1.2 Corsa B

my key dont even turn in my passenger side, but it locks with the central locking......seomthing wrong there ?
