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*Loud sqeak over bumps*

Hi all,

For some time now I have been getting a loud squeaking noise when going over bumps, getting to the point now where it is embarssing if people are around..

I orginally thought it was my exhuast but having driven my brother in laws 172 the other day he has the same 17" alloys as me, if anything his is much lower! I then took him out for a spin in my car and asked him to stick his head out the window, he said its soming from the front...

Just wondering whether anyone has had a simular problem, i dont think it would be a shock absorber due to the car is stiff and is really hard to push down while stationary.

Please help, seems that my car is falling apart lately lol... last month cambelt, aux, brakes alround (even thou tht was a choice)... i wanted to get a decat this month, but now i think i better sort this out first!:dapprove:
  172 A Cupwork Orange™
Mine used to squeek, i changed the springs well i say i it was infact bayliss (lowered it) prob went away
I dont really wanna lower my car tbh due to the 17"... it already make the wheel bearing noise now with people in the car, hmmm... how much for springs what you reccommend?
  black gold 182
mine does just the same, cant we just oil the squeeky bit? lol im not forking out loads to be rid of a squeek!
hmmm im considering WD40 ahhahhaaha....:( seems like all im doing lately is payin out! its taking away the enjoyment on having a sport
  172 A Cupwork Orange™
I dont really wanna lower my car tbh due to the 17"... it already make the wheel bearing noise now with people in the car, hmmm... how much for springs what you reccommend?

post in the wanted section someone will have a set of oe springs kicking about, you should pick a second had set up for next to nothing
Oh damm!!... dont start saying its other things!! lol... my exhaust does clonk from time to time but this noise is like really annoying and i want it fixed... What springs are gd value ?
  Static Low
I get a squeak on speedbumps.
think its just teh rear springs tbh.
not a worry to me at all.
seems pretty natural a think
  2015 ST2(MO)/CorsaLE
out of all my 182 mine queaks at the back think it could be the the springs if i pull the yellow cable under the car it does it?! i none of my other 182 were this nosiy!?! :S
  2015 ST2(MO)/CorsaLE
LOL! i have had x3 182 and out of all of mine mine makes a queaky noise from the rear! when carrying passengers or when you dont have the hand brake on full, i think its the hand brake cable but then again i could be wrong?! :S
Its not coming from the back, its coming from the front^... It happens when it just me in the car, its not a sound which sound natural like my wheels on the archers it sound like the springs r rusty... brakes had recently been renewed... and never had a single problem with my hand brake although i no the noise your talking about, some happens when driving on a wet road..
Put it this way remember when you were a kid on a bike and it was gettin old and the susipension was going it made tht squeek... imagine tht on your car! ITS LOUD
  2015 ST2(MO)/CorsaLE
LOL your story made me laugh! sorry i cant help! i think other people have mentioned problems about squeaks at the front! now were mine at the back is coming from ill never know! LOL
I know every has noise coming from there clios... but i think 1 noise 2 at the most is ok... but its gettin like so embarssing...I have an annoyin sqeaking in noise inside the car which F**ks me off aswelll but i can live with tht 1...

Glad you liked my story :)
Ok i found out what is making the noise... turns out it wasnt the springs, its something behind the battery..

Could any one tell me what this is... and how much am i looking at for a new one?
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  is dirty.
Your cars falling to pieces! Oops. Your not speaking when going over the bumps?
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  LY 182
mine did this.. i welded it back together garage probably wont charge but make sure they disconnect the battery with it being so close to the ecu
Nah i no its tht cover 4 the ecu... if i like slap it lol on the top it makes tht noise which i hear... it has a number on it so i might get a quote from Renault
