Darren S
ClioSport Club Member
Well, after the help from Tom and sn00p on my previous thread (thanks again guys :approve: ) (http://www.cliosport.net/forum/showthread.php?t=301693) - it was a definite sign that the Mac's HD had died.
After nabbing a new Seagate Momentus (great name, lol!) HDD for it and buying a retail copy of Leopard (take note Microsoft - at a mere £60 with none of this OEM license bullsh1t) - I set about bringing the Powerbook G4 back to life.
Armed with a Torx-8 screwdriver, the fiddly case screws came out, drive swapped over and the Leopard DVD shoved in the optical drive.
Right.... away we go. 2 hours and 25 minutes later, I get the Leopard welcome screen. A long time in waiting, but I literally did ZERO config - the only manual thing being the Erase and 'prep' of the hard drive in the Utilities screen.
I also managed to find a spare PC2700S 512MB module in a knackered laptop, so I bunged that one in as well, to take the G4 up to 1GB in total.
And away she goes. No hassle, no driver issues, no order of sequence for the software installs - nothing. For a newbie to the computer scene, Leopard and probably Macs full stop would do nothing to scare them. It's so easy, straight-forward and trouble free.
On top of that, this G4 is nearly 4 years old. Imagine straight out of the box, trying to install Vista on a PC laptop of similar age?
So all that's left is the Software Update. WTF? A 341MB update for Leopard to take it to 10.5.2? Oh well, I suppose it couldn't be too perfect!
After nabbing a new Seagate Momentus (great name, lol!) HDD for it and buying a retail copy of Leopard (take note Microsoft - at a mere £60 with none of this OEM license bullsh1t) - I set about bringing the Powerbook G4 back to life.
Armed with a Torx-8 screwdriver, the fiddly case screws came out, drive swapped over and the Leopard DVD shoved in the optical drive.
Right.... away we go. 2 hours and 25 minutes later, I get the Leopard welcome screen. A long time in waiting, but I literally did ZERO config - the only manual thing being the Erase and 'prep' of the hard drive in the Utilities screen.
I also managed to find a spare PC2700S 512MB module in a knackered laptop, so I bunged that one in as well, to take the G4 up to 1GB in total.
And away she goes. No hassle, no driver issues, no order of sequence for the software installs - nothing. For a newbie to the computer scene, Leopard and probably Macs full stop would do nothing to scare them. It's so easy, straight-forward and trouble free.
On top of that, this G4 is nearly 4 years old. Imagine straight out of the box, trying to install Vista on a PC laptop of similar age?
So all that's left is the Software Update. WTF? A 341MB update for Leopard to take it to 10.5.2? Oh well, I suppose it couldn't be too perfect!