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Mac OSX Leopard

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Well, after the help from Tom and sn00p on my previous thread (thanks again guys :approve: ) ( - it was a definite sign that the Mac's HD had died.

After nabbing a new Seagate Momentus (great name, lol!) HDD for it and buying a retail copy of Leopard (take note Microsoft - at a mere £60 with none of this OEM license bullsh1t) - I set about bringing the Powerbook G4 back to life.

Armed with a Torx-8 screwdriver, the fiddly case screws came out, drive swapped over and the Leopard DVD shoved in the optical drive.

Right.... away we go. 2 hours and 25 minutes later, I get the Leopard welcome screen. A long time in waiting, but I literally did ZERO config - the only manual thing being the Erase and 'prep' of the hard drive in the Utilities screen.

I also managed to find a spare PC2700S 512MB module in a knackered laptop, so I bunged that one in as well, to take the G4 up to 1GB in total.

And away she goes. :) No hassle, no driver issues, no order of sequence for the software installs - nothing. For a newbie to the computer scene, Leopard and probably Macs full stop would do nothing to scare them. It's so easy, straight-forward and trouble free.

On top of that, this G4 is nearly 4 years old. Imagine straight out of the box, trying to install Vista on a PC laptop of similar age?

So all that's left is the Software Update. WTF? A 341MB update for Leopard to take it to 10.5.2? Oh well, I suppose it couldn't be too perfect!



ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Well i had 2 Kernel Panics in 3 months using 10.5.0/1

Nightmare, i had to restart and everything.

But even that is a pleasant experience



ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
Well i had 2 Kernel Panics in 3 months using 10.5.0/1

Nightmare, i had to restart and everything.

But even that is a pleasant experience


Crikey. :eek:

I've not seen a kernel panic since puma...and I caused that myself while writing a kernel driver.
