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mac users please read

ive been offered a mac at a great price but i have a few questionshaving never used one before -

can you use msn?
can you play wmv files?
does most/all software work on a mac? ulead?
how easy is it to use compared to a pc?
hard to get used to?
anyone regret changing?
Most, dont know what ulead is, lol.
No, give it a week to get used to the differences in os and you're laughing.
Hell no, microsoft suck monkey c**k!
imac, what does it use for internet e.t.c is it all easy? how does it all work with the folders e.t.c?
does everything play through quicktime?
  Audi TT 225
mac's are for people that cant use or dont understand real PC's.. or your a graphics designer ;)

great design in terms of how they look on the outside.... crap in all other respects.. all imo of course, from the perspective of someone thats worked in the IT world for 11 years, Ive used everything from ZX81's, Amigas, dos, all flavours of windows from 3.11, 95, 98, NT, 2k, xp, vista, few flavours of linux, BSD, hp-uk, netware, solaris, risc os....

macs suck lol but they're well easy to use ;)

MS has the market... why choose a lesser option?


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
So everything except os x?

LOL. Anti mac and you can't read thread titles.
  Audi TT 225
^^ lol funny guy...... just offering an oppinion from someone thats been around the block computer wise.
  172 Cup
i got an imac for graphic design so its spot on!
get one Safari is used for internet or you can use firefox still it just looks so much cleaner with OSX user interface.
Apple is outpacing the wider industry in sales of laptop and desktop computers, according to a recent NPD report.

As noted by MacNN, Apple is outpacing industry averages, delivering a 94 per cent increase in retail sales of its laptops in April 2007 - while the wider PC industry experienced just 14 per cent growth year-on-year, despite the recent release of Microsoft Vista.

Apple Mac's saw unit growth of 62 per cent overall - over four times the growth rate experienced on average across the industry.

Hmmmm.....Can't be that s**t;)
  A slow one :-(
I moved from PC to Mac the other week... found the move ok, it seems alot more "stable" than my pc.

One of my mates in the states was saying that no one over there buys PCs... its macs all the way.

Rich - Funny like, both my bro and best mate are software engineer people and they both won't go near a mac. Is there any particular reason for this?
