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Machine polish

  Not got a car
I borrowed my mums car for work a few weeks ago and its only a run about nothing special and not well looked after but the company next door was spraying Aliminium Oxide and it got onto the car, Just picked it up today as they paid for it to be machine polished and god dam the paint is as smooth as a babys bum, Cant help stroking it :S

Now i want the clio done, My paint work is not to bad a few swirls and still a little rough in places he siad he will charge me £70 for the whole car. Is this a good price.?
That sounds very cheap mate, give you a clue, I do it as a hobby for beer money, rather than a business and I charge circa 100 quid for a clio. If this is someone just mopping it I would stay clear and get a detailer in your area to do it properly. East Anglia right?
Yeah in that case it is a very good price. I would ask, is he going to protect the paint afterwards, as it will need sealing/waxing (but this can be done yourself, so even if he doesn't, bring it home, wash it and seal it with Extra Gloss Protection).

