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Making A Claim To RFS

Ive got my car on finance with RFS but ive just recently lost my job and im REALLY struggling to keep up the payments now. It looks like im gonna have to try and make a claim.

I took out the top finance insurance policy when i started the agreement.

I was just wondering if anyone on here has made/tried to make a claim before?

Any advice would be REALLY appreciated as i dont want to lose my baby!!
  black golf v6 4 motion

not claimed b4 but u should be ok ur covered just ring them and explain ur situation i think they pay ur payments until u get a job again

Im on finance and lost my job recently, but my policy only covers illness and death, not loss of job. Id ring up and check tho, just to be sure.

Quote: Originally posted by T3ZJ on 30 May 2004

just sent mine off to rfs 37 months too go .:cry:

also my policy only covers illness and death
What do you mean? What have you sent off?

I took out the most expensive policy which covers loss of job too luckily.
  Focus ST3 + proper Mini

I made a claim in August. They paid my first 2 payments for me. ( first one which included admin fees). As Id only just bought the car.

But my claim was through illness. I was off work 4 months!!

Had no problems what so ever. I just had to fill in a questionaire and get doctor/work to sign it.
