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masking tape residue

Gotta try and remove a large patch of masking tape, the tapes been pulled off the paintwork but has left behind a large sticky patch that didn't pull away properly. I've tried AG intensive tar remover with no success so what would people recommend?
  mk7 fiesta zs
IPA. if its normal masking tape, rather than 3m bodyshop tape it might take paint with it..
Very surprised that AGITR didn't do anything. The only other thing I could suggest would be Tardis by Autosmart.
  renault clio 1.4 si 2000
tardis is the danglies. try a heat gun and a credit card first lol to get every bit u can off, just don't melt the paint!
I wouldn't advise a heat gun, maybe a hair drier. Heat gun would be to ferocious on the paint!
  Bumder With A Buffer
Unless it's a fancy adjustable one (Which I doubt many people have)

I have a nice fancy one here at work that goes luke warm (about the same as low setting on a hairdryer) to "bloody" hot! :)

I saw a neighbour using a normal heat gun (paint stripper type) and it was fine to start with, then there was a bit of melting! Flol what a tool!
  Full Fat 182
Try peanut butter. I've removed residue from sticky labels and it's great for getting polish residue off too (from black trim). Not bad at removing chewing gum either.
Smooth is ideal but chunky works too.
My thanks to president Jimmy Carter.
i'm allergic to peanuts so the peanut butter is a no go. lol.

I was very surprised that ITR didnt do anything :dapprove:
  Ultra Red Clio 197
get a tin of lighter gas... dunno if it will work on paint but when im mounting graphics for for clients it always cleans up the residue that spray mount leaves behind on the mount board! Dont ask how it works!

Worth a try if you happen to have a tin about! Or just get some sticky stuff remover!

put it on a rag and rub!

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You will be fine using a heat gun as long as you aren't full on stupidly sitting it on the panel burning the paint.
just use petrol. something else is going on if that won't take it off

not that any of this other stuff might, but petrol won't take your paint off
