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Maximum mounting depth for speakers

Does anyone know what depth of speaker can be fitted in the front doors and the rear panel of the latest model Clio? (mk2 172)

The speakers in question are either JBL GTO-525e mounting depth 56mm, or JBL P52 mounting depth 83mm. I know some people on here already have the GTO-525es so they must fit, but would the P52s be too deep?

I dont want to start messsing around with spacers, etc. only looking for a simple, cheap speaker upgrade...



ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

Erm, not being funny but cant you take the standard speaker out and measure the depth?

LOL yep I could but Im a work at the moment and its absolutely pissing down outside! Just being lazy and wanted to know if anyone knows off the top of their head.

Also, GT0-525s are £25/pair, P52s are £45/pair, dont know if the P52 are worth the extra???
  05 182

just fitted some infinity coaxs in my front doors, and theres like a plastic moulding that stopped them going all the way in, bit of hacksawing and the jobs done ;)

Cheers for the replies - Ill get off my arse when I get home tonight and check my current speakers just to be on the safe side!
