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melted my side strips ha

gutted, sprayed my side strips but the bloody dog knocked over the 20.16v badge and stuffed it. ive left it a week and finally got round to sorting them today however i forgot about them and took my son out and ive come back to find they have completely melted in the thinner ha, oh well looks like im going to have to buy some phase 2 strips now.
  Clio 172 RS2
Melted? Aah well your only human.

Here's a Phase 1 with Phase 2 side strips!
  Titanium 182
Ph2 stips are common as mook, get to the scrap yard and rip some off a 1.2

I got mine for £20. It's the 2.0 16v badges that are expensive. Think I paid £40 for both.

Sprayed my strips myself.


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
I have a pair of 2.0l badges, were painted yellow but i started picking it off to paint them a diff colour but gave up! PM me an offer if you want them.
