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Micro SD cards


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
JESUS Christ, how small!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not really any point to the thread, but i could barely put it in the phone as it was so thin...Bit fragile too! 8gb too! impressive!!


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
I looked at it, (from within my cave) and thought, SURELY thats not it!!! Or Surely it won't/can't work! It did, 8gb of music/films later! :)
Yeah theyre really small, Amazing how small they are nowa days.

Had 2 f**k up on me though.

Just wont format and i wanted files off them.

Tried formatting programs etc. No luck.
  182FF with cup packs
  Mondeo TXS Bardge.
are you not ment to be able to get upto 32gb on these things, same with the sony m2 cards, unbelievable apacity, only a few years ago you'd need an hdd to hold that much.
