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MK1 172 steering wheel

  Ford Fiesta
just been watching an old top gear clip with the mk1 172 vs VTS.
the steering whell looks to be black alcantara?

any pics of a 172 steering wheel?

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Ive got the same vid and it does look black! I assume its just the lighting cos they are definitly grey and not alcantara either. Doubt its aftermarket but suppose its possible.
  Chocolate Bar™
could have had it retrimmed, but would be more worthwhile to just buy a new wheel


ClioSport Club Member
they were all grey alcantara and leather.

apart from the Exclusive which was all leather.

They all look like mine after a while though. i.e smooth and worn. :(
  BMW E46 330i Touring
Yeh, as above. Alcantara but they go all smooth and get chunks taken out of it due to nails and rings... Stupid material to trim a steering wheel in really!
