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Mk1 Clio Immobilser question

  Mk1 1.4RT
Hey guys

I have a Mk1 Phase 3 Clio 1.2, without central locking.

It was broken into recently and i have bought a set of replacement locks. I've fitted them all bar the ignition switch which i want to replace to avoid having 2 keys.

I've tried to remove the ignition switch but the spring clip seems jammed. I've connected the new ignition to test it but the engine will only tick over and not fire, which i'm guessing is due to the immobiliser.

Should the new ignition switch work if i swap the just the lock part of it not the switch, or is it more complicated than that? Since the current ignition switch seems jammed i need a definitive answer before i attempt to replace it.

Any help would be appriciated.
Yep the ignition barrel will swip.
Stick your key in it and turn it to the middle of the a and m postion then undo the screw holding it in (if present) and then press in with a screwdriver the little metal thingie and pull the lock out with the key.
Just need to unplug the connectros first.
Just thinking you don't have a plain key like the Williams so you'll need to swop the metal bit of the key into your old fob.
  Mk1 1.4RT
Cheers for the reply.

I know how to remove the barrel, however the spring clip thingy on the bottom just won't budge, it moves just fine on the new barrel when between A & M but the present one won't move a bit which leads me to believe somethings wrong with it.

I do have a plain key at present, theres no electronics inside the key itself unless i'm missing something. however I've plugged in the new barrel (not actually fitted it into place since i've yet to get the old one out) and as i said the engine won't fire.

The fact theres nothing special about the keys, that i could see, I thought a straight swap would work, if I can be sure how to get the new barrel to work i will drill the present one out.

Any other ideas?

Cheers Phil
