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Mk1 Heating

  Chav Rocket
Hi, new to the forum
got a K reg clio a little 1.4RT it seems to be blowing hot air (and not very hot) on the driver side only the passenger side is always frigid cold! now me and my dad we near the heater unit and took out the blower unit and on close inspection the way the flaps are aligned it doesnt seem like it would ever be able to blow hot air on the pass side.

so guys is this a design fault or has some idiot changed it with the wrong part? also do clios get nice and warm inside? as i said the little air that is hot isnt exactly hot. ideas on a solution please!


Mine never gets that warm :( but I think it's a bit blocked and needs replacing ideally, but it's a pain to do and takes a while from what I've heard!
  Chav Rocket
aye we had the whole heater box out but cudnt find a second hand one, i think we were sticking a alarm in so we were in the area. so do you reckon i should get a whole new box?
  Clio IV 0,9 Tce
Mine gets nicely warm, in both sides!!!
But yeah go for a new box, you should be able to find a complete one at a scrapper!!
  MR2 2.0 N/A & Mk1 1.2Clio
mine gets roasting hot, especially when in dual carrageway or mway! not complaining, bloody scottish weather!
  Chav Rocket
lol ill probby get a box then i think the scrappy said 25 quid, mine gets colder on the motorway!
