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Mk1 vs Mk2 taster


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
TheJesus said:
PMSL, call me a f**king doctor that was brilliant! :lolup:

oooh 169bhp car... wow! no need to sell it to me, I cant afford 3k, that's supercar money :eek: :rasp:

you're a doctor.........;)
  ITB'd GDI Original?
Martin. said:
Rapido ....for a mk2!;) Top 5 for sure I'd say..

Cheers mate, can't accurately predict any times but i'd be hoping for high 13's, we'll see!? :D

Forgot to mention the vid was done with 17's on and full interior. I'll be 'semi skimmed' and running on 15's on sunday.
  Mk2 Ph2 1.4 16v Dynamic
Defo id have a mk1 clio over a new 1 any day! New 1s are nice lough dont get me wrong something about the oldies!
  Sunflower Yellow Ph1 172
maybe even earlier design than 1960's its old skool
still good enough for 11.4 1/4 mile at pod with standard crank, liners, valves and carb. ;)
superfastdan said:
not when you work for renault my friend!!

when you learn to handle proper power and have the abilities to use it effectively, give us a shout, maybe i'll sell you mine....

why you going to put Clip on it and erase your faults again? ;)
  Renault Clio 1.2 RT
Good to see everyone's advanced from the playground taunt of "my BMX is better than your BMX" Whether you have a mk1, mk2 or mk3 your cars your pride of joy and thats all that matter's. And yes I do own a mk1 and prefer that over any other clio ;)


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Jon_B said:
Good to see everyone's advanced from the playground taunt of "my BMX is better than your BMX" Whether you have a mk1, mk2 or mk3 your cars your pride of joy and thats all that matter's. And yes I do own a mk1 and prefer that over any other clio ;)

Mate, i couldn't give a s**t who owns what, my mate used to own a very very quick valver, i know they're v good cars, but the fact of the matter is, yes, mine is better than yours..............;)
mk1 tossers - Michael barrymore has a mk1 clio
but once he came out the closet he bought every MK2 varient as, and I quote "their just soooo cute and curvy!!!" - ghey as f**k... He then thought how can I make it gayer? I know, I'll put the biggest hair dresser cars engine in it for the ultimate ghey icon... the TT Clio was born :rasp:


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
16vturbolee said:
stop day dreamin you drive a 17poo lol.^^^^^^^^^^
ahh, bless, wrote your birthday list out yet?
I bet the first things on it are drivers seat bolsters and some new rear arches!!! lol!!
lol :D ......... come on though youve got to admit it the mk1 is a girls car are perhaps a gay mans car ?? remember the advert in the mid 90's " papa - ah Nicole" ?? didnt see a lad driving the mk1 did ya ?? faggots
Matt, that's very true, but Reno realised that the only blokes that bought the Clio's went for the Valvers and Williams, so they had to change their marketing stragegy to target birds and ghey boys alike... the MK2 Phase 1 was born and by 2002 was a ghey icon... some say an institution. when i was less clued up on cars I actually had a brief look at the MK2, but something seemed slightly camp about the whole car... maybe it was the vaseline in the glove box and wella shockwave gel deposits all over the seats and carpets... :cool:
superfastdan said:
ahh, bless, wrote your birthday list out yet?
I bet the first things on it are drivers seat bolsters and some new rear arches!!! lol!!
as opposed to your own parking space and ramp at Reno?




ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
^^^pmsl, ah but i work for renault, so yes i have a parking space.
And funnily enough, its actually on a ramp as i type this!! lol
but its having the brakes replaced and a decat fitted, so it doesn't count!
