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mk2 flared rear arches?

  182 Cup/Mk5 Gti
anybody flared the rear arches on a mk2? if soo has anybody got any pics? thinking about doing it to compliment my 172 front arches and space the wheels out
  182 Cup/Mk5 Gti
i want it flared more thou so i can fit larger spacers. i want to run 25mm same as the fronts.
  182 Cup/Mk5 Gti
there going to roll and flare the rear arches. but he said it dosent damage the paint but i said to him it dosent matter as its going to be resprayed anyway! he said it usually takes about 2 hours.
£80 includes coming to my door aswell. ;)
  225 powered mk2
Get them rolled out :) aslong as its lowered enough and the wheels and spacers are a good fit, it will look awesome, Rage's pug had the arches rolled at the back, looks mint :)
  182 Cup/Mk5 Gti
i spoke to him on the phone and he said all in £80 flared as much or as little as i he can and to roll them. ill have a look at rages now i knew somebody had it done :D
  182 Cup/Mk5 Gti
rage your pug was immense looked at it for ages at fcs and thort its sooo simple but yet very effective. the flare you had on yours looked great. how much did you pay to get yours done?
  More poke than viagr
Ive got 20mm spacers on with standard arches so shouldnt need that much work.

Would look good though, be nice not to worry about sraping the tyres every now and then lol :dapprove:
There was a Clio sport in a scrappy on a French forum that had rear flared arches, IIRC it was the prototype for the Megane chassis/engine.

There's a pic somewhere on this forum, I'll try and find it!
  Ph1 track 172
the purple clio (storm rider i think) has his done iirc,

very interested to see how this goes, as the bumper makes up some of the arch i would have though it would have been difficult to do.

may be after his contact details if yours go well
  RenaultSport 172.
rage your pug was immense looked at it for ages at fcs and thort its sooo simple but yet very effective. the flare you had on yours looked great. how much did you pay to get yours done?

Thanks dude :)
I built the pug myself, decided i was sick of paying bodyshop prices and did ALL the work myself :)...and got my local bodyshop to paint it...:)

Took alot of work, but they were worth it!
  182 Cup/Mk5 Gti
ill post pics as soon as its done. :D
im going to ask him to do it as big as he can. then im going to get 175/50/15's for my ronals and space them as much as i can. this will all be done for the 28th :D
  lift number 1 @ btm
fair enough, lol.

i was more meaning for the shape and size of the arches than the look of the whole car.
for 25mm spacers you are going to need a lot more arch than standard surely?
  182 Cup/Mk5 Gti
i think if i can put 10mm on now without any probs, then get him to flare it 10mm+ with a 20mm strech on my tyres hopefully it should be fine.:)
The S1600 kit is a worse fit than the Vee!! Stay clear, there is a reason they are rare.

Will be interested to see what this guy can do. I was running 15mm spacers and had to be careful with how much I put in the boot on the old coilovers. It was so low it would actually scrape layers off the tyre wall.
  DCi 100
The S1600 kit is a worse fit than the Vee!! Stay clear, there is a reason they are rare.

Will be interested to see what this guy can do. I was running 15mm spacers and had to be careful with how much I put in the boot on the old coilovers. It was so low it would actually scrape layers off the tyre wall.

What did you carry? Lead slabs? :eek:
Haha, no the suspension before the stuff on now was more easily compressed, i.e. cheaper. So meant that the height I had it set to would be a problem if I had the usual Lakes trip stuff, i.e. four up and stuff to boot :)
  DCi 100
Haha, no the suspension before the stuff on now was more easily compressed, i.e. cheaper. So meant that the height I had it set to would be a problem if I had the usual Lakes trip stuff, i.e. four up and stuff to boot :)

Was going to say,

I've had 3 fat lads in the car plus me + 4 camera bags/tripods/food/sex toys and the lot in the boot.
  Ph1 track 172
how wide are your ronal ts??
and whats the offset?

do you not know the offset??

just thinking by the looks for things, youll need alot more than 10mm to warrant flared arches,

so WITH flared arches, id say around 40mm spacing :S
  182 Cup/Mk5 Gti
im now going to get fabricated flared arches so i can have widddde ones! my cars currently in the bodyshop so ill keep you posted. im not sure on the offset mate
  Ph1 track 172
fabricated flares arches??

sounds good mate, worse comes i guess youll have to sell the T's and get something with an UBER offset lol

good luck dude, and make sure to post up some pics as soon as its done!
  182 Cup/Mk5 Gti
lol. i had the bonnet, boot and cup spoiler smoothed yesterday. on thursday there doing my front bumper, wings and my sideskirts. so keep an eye out in my progress thread. ;)
  Ph1 track 172
smoothed cup splitter???

how much they sting you to smooth the bonnet??
and the boot?
really want to start pricing up some of these mods lol
  182 Cup/Mk5 Gti
for the bonnet it was £50 for smoothing the badge recess and washer jet holes. for the boot it was £50 for smoothing the boot lock and 2 badges pin holes.
