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mk2 phase 1 Cylinder Head

  Renault Clio
My Clio recently broke, the timing belt is gone :(
I phoned the garage to find out a rough price to repair, baring in mind, they cant really tell without opening it up to see the extent of the damage to the valves etc.

They said to me " if you can get your hands on a cylinder head with valves intact, then we can just swap the heads over and replace the timing belt etc " a much cheaper option.

So thinking that was a great idea, i went to the scrappies and asked the very unhelpful arse behind the shabby counter, if he knew if he had a Cylinder head for a Renault Clio mk 2 phase 1 2000 modem, 1.2 engine, his reply...

" duno... you got an engine number? " i asked him what the engine number was and where it would be, he said written on the engine somewhere.

So iv looked on my car, and taken a wire brush to it to see if i can find it, but i honestly cant, i think it should be infront of the heater, but the little panel there is rusted and hard to make out, nearly impossible.

Anyone here able to help me? if the engine number is the same on all these models and know where i can find one that i can give to him to get me the correct part. Or somewhere perhaps online i can buy a second hand/cheap one that will work?
Just get a second hand engine fitted much easier and cheaper forget changing the head the pistons could have had a smack at the same time so no point IMO. taking the head off even.

You engine code is down the front of the engine facing towards the radiator under the intake bit. It will be d4F or d7F and then 3 digits thats all you need then ring the breaker or better still ring 01254 386661 and ask for Matt (keep ringing back if need be) he'll help you out he'll even find out the engine you need he'll have them in stock.
  172 cup,s2 rs turbo
1.2 8 valve d7f

1.2 16 valve d4f

to remove the head on a 1.2 wouldnt take long at all (even the 16v). to put a set of valves in should be cheap enough if its a honest garage. Never known a 1.2 to damage a piston when a cam belt breaks as the valves take all the shock. To remove/fit head including replacement of valves shouldnt take more than 5 hours labour on either engine type really
  Renault Clio
amazing, my dad is a close friend with someone who owns a garage, when ever his van breaks down or needs MOT, he gets him to do it, and its always done and a propper job done might i add in a very good timeframe, a really good guy and a really good garage.

he said to me it would be about 4/5 hours labour and if i could get the cylinder head it would knock the price down alot.
Im going to go to scrappie tomorrow to see what they have, and if the guys rude to me again, ill scream at him!
