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Mobile Contract Help

Hi, basically on the 27th of March my current contract with Orange will end, I have cancelled this but have to ring back and get my PAC code, that’s fine, but I have been shopping around and have found the new deal I want but it’s with Orange. I know that I will have to transfer my number to another network which I will be doing to a prepay o2 sim and then back to orange.

My question is, is there any minimum requirements that o2 have that I will have to for fill for me to be able to receive my PAC code from o2.
Any advice would help


Could you not just phone Orange up and say you have found a good deal from them you'd like to transfer your number to that deal?
IIRC a network has to release your number as its yours to do as you wish.

Oh and some networks not sure if this includes 02 but some will give you a 'grace' period of up to a month to port your number from a previous network.
Could you not just phone Orange up and say you have found a good deal from them you'd like to transfer your number to that deal?
Basically had sales guy phone me up last month, he originally offered me 700mins unlimited text free internet and a g600 for £35, but within 5min I had him down to £20 per month, not a bad deal really, but I didn't want that phone ect..., anyway I have found an offer that will give me a Nokia N85 and an xbox elite for £25 with orange, which im happy with but orange wont give me this for free. But orange will consider this an upgrade and wont let me keep number.
Basically had sales guy phone me up last month, he originally offered me 700mins unlimited text free internet and a g600 for £35, but within 5min I had him down to £20 per month, not a bad deal really, but I didn't want that phone ect..., anyway I have found an offer that will give me a Nokia N85 and an xbox elite for £25 with orange, which im happy with but orange wont give me this for free. But orange will consider this an upgrade and wont let me keep number.

Get onto they are an branch of CPWH, upgrade to pretty much whatever handset you want, you choose your tariff.

They'll upgrade you, keep your number, get cash back/XBOX/PS3 etc, DONE.
Get onto they are an branch of CPWH, upgrade to pretty much whatever handset you want, you choose your tariff.

They'll upgrade you, keep your number, get cash back/XBOX/PS3 etc, DONE.

Thats exactly what I want but the offer as above is what i'm after and dont offer it thanks for the help though mate.

My orignal question still stands, after registering an O2 PAYG sim how long is it before I can request a PAC code.
