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Mobile phone choice...

  Mini Cooper S sport
Another person who has never actually used one and likes to go against the grain just to be different?

I hate it when people assume! How do you know I've never used one? I've spent plenty of time playing around with them, and it's not for me.

I want a very good camera with a flash and video capabilities on my phone, and that's the main thing the iPhone doesn't have. I also don't need my phone to be an MP3 player, I have an iPod.

It's not a case of 'just being different', I actually have my reasons. Just because everybody on Cliosport has an iPhone doesn't mean I should get one, it just depends what you want from a phone.
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
I hate it when people assume! How do you know I've never used one? I've spent plenty of time playing around with them, and it's not for me.

I want a very good camera with a flash and video capabilities on my phone, and that's the main thing the iPhone doesn't have. I also don't need my phone to be an MP3 player, I have an iPod.

It's not a case of 'just being different', I actually have my reasons. Just because everybody on Cliosport has an iPhone doesn't mean I should get one, it just depends what you want from a phone.

Please note, your quote of me ends with a question mark, suggesting i am asking rather than telling - i hate it when people assume.

If you want a very good camera with flash and video, get a digital camera just like you got a ipod for your mp3's? No phone is capable of taking pictures as good as a decent digital camera (note the word decent before someone starts saying "ohh maiii w810i with its uber pro 2.0mp camera takes good pictures") There are phones that can take good pictures - for a phone, but compare them to pictures taken with a good quality digital camera and they're not in the same class at all.

There will come a time where you can get a DECENT digital camera, phone and mp3 player all in one, but right now its not possible so you've just got to settle for 2 of the 3, if you've got an ipod for music, then get a digital camera for pictures and bask in the luxury of the iphone and sell your ipod.

The new iphone rumoured to be coming out this year should have a video camera anyway (people on various forums have scoured the code of the 3.0 OS and found various references and functionality for a video camera function) and the camera on the iphone despite only being 2mp takes perfectly nice and clear photos.
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I hate it when people assume! How do you know I've never used one? I've spent plenty of time playing around with them, and it's not for me.

I want a very good camera with a flash and video capabilities on my phone, and that's the main thing the iPhone doesn't have. I also don't need my phone to be an MP3 player, I have an iPod.

It's not a case of 'just being different', I actually have my reasons. Just because everybody on Cliosport has an iPhone doesn't mean I should get one, it just depends what you want from a phone.

Its not about what it can and cant do, I just don't like it!
I don't know why some people get so wound up that someone dislikes their phone. I couldn't care less.

I have the best phone available. If you don't like it. Diddums.
In your opinion Dan ;)

Makes me laugh that people who own the iPhone say "It's a phone, not a f**king camera" in repsonse to the fact the iPhone camera is about 10 years behind most new phones.

So if it's just a phone.... Why do iPhone owners get so wet about 1 million pointless apps like a spirit level, or a compass or a weather app, or something to calculate a bill (my first ever phone had this iirc - It was called a calculator back then ;))?

Or the fact it's so good at browsing? Yet it's not as good as a notebook so why not buy one of them? Completely moot argument imho.

The reality is if you just wanted a phone, you'd buy a boggo nokia with 14 day battery life and a 1" screen. 'Phones' are much more these days. As an all round package the iPhone is ace. It looks nice, the UI is slick and the screen is crystal clear. But only the fan boys can't acknowledge that it lacks certain features that some people consider priorities.

That and it's the size of a house.

The biggest giveaway of a fanboy is denial tbh ;)
lol, no river in Egypt for me. I am a fanboy.

The camera, in anything over than bright light is awful.

What else does it lack? MMS maybe straight out the box. But its in the AppStore and it will be standard on 3.0.

Video.. Yeh. But I don't think I've made a vid on a phone in 10years. Although I do have it on my iPhone.
Yup. And that's you. I take pictures and video at work on an almost daily basis.

The above post wasn't necessarily aimed at you btw x
  Mini Cooper S sport
If you want a very good camera with flash and video, get a digital camera just like you got a ipod for your mp3's? No phone is capable of taking pictures as good as a decent digital camera (note the word decent before someone starts saying "ohh maiii w810i with its uber pro 2.0mp camera takes good pictures") There are phones that can take good pictures - for a phone, but compare them to pictures taken with a good quality digital camera and they're not in the same class at all.

Of course no phone will ever be as good as a proper digital camera, but the iPhone lacks even a semi-decent camera.

I do have a digital camera, but there are times when I want to take pictures and don't want to carry a camera AND a phone.

It just comes down to what you want a phone to do, and the iPhone doesn't do what I want it to.

If you love it, that's fine. I don't.
