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More spendage

  Clio 172
Well this is my first post. I've spent another £250 on the Clio. Happy days @: Lokks like I'm going to tackle that annoying exhaust vibration on wednesday. New set of engine mounts on the way.
  Clio 172
I was poking around the engine bay and I can't say I'm looking forward to the job at hand. Are the mounts as much as a b**ch to fit as they look?


ClioSport Club Member
Hi, how long you had the motor ? PH1 or 2 ? Cant advise on the amount of work to sort the mounts, Il leave that to someone who knows what they're talking about :)
  Clio 172
I've had it just over a year now. It's a phase 2. I didn't notice any wear until I put the milltech on, now it rattles like mad! :)
  Clio 172
Have you done much to yours? I love the way these things handle. The trouble it makes me think I can drive. :)


ClioSport Club Member
Done a few bits and bobs. Get a few pics up in the Media section.
