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MPG computer

Doesnt matter how i drive the read out i get from the computer for MPG is either 29.5 or 29.6 think its shagged!

Anyone else had this? is it worth reseting the ECU?


just hit 8000. Never reset it. Ive only just started to look at it last few months and ive noticed it doesnt change. I drove round in 5th gear for a whole week with the revs real low and it went from 29.5 to 29.6 which made me think something may be slightly wrong!!!!!!!

Silly question, but have you re-set the trip computer?

As the mileage since the last re-set increases, short-term MPG fluctuations have less of an impact on the overall average (which is what the computer shows).

Didnt realise it was an overal average, im a plank.

Not a silly question mate cos i havent reset it. Helps if i read the owners book sometimes! How do i go about resetting the computer as im a lazy gimp?

Change the display to MPG using the button on the windscreen washer stick. Then press the black button just under the display in the dash.



ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.

Quote: Originally posted by Westy on 18 April 2005
Didnt realise it was an overal average, im a plank.Not a silly question mate cos i havent reset it.   Helps if i read the owners book sometimes!  How do i go about resetting the computer as im a lazy gimp?

Its not you whos the plank, its renault. Its like forecasting the weather tomorrow by taking the average of the weather for the past 365 days!

Theres some people at renault who need to be shot, 1 vote for the programmer who did the MPG, and another vote for the moron who decided that 172s could not have intermittent wipe.

I dont know if this will help but my trip computer kept resetting itself so when i took it to the renualt main dealer i bought it from the put a new set of clocks in and the problem has gone
