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MSN messenger entire contact list blocked (Mac)

  Suzuki Ignis Sport
My whole entire contact list has been blocked, and they're all trying to re-add me..

Guessing somethings gone wrong with MSN.. anyone else experiencing this?
  Go cry to your momma!
My whole entire contact list has been blocked, and they're all trying to re-add me..

Guessing somethings gone wrong with MSN.. anyone else experiencing this?

had exactly the same idea what caused it!

I logged out and cleared account history, seemed to mostly sort it.

I've moved away from M$/hotmail for my email recently, over to gmail..I checked my hotmail address on facebook as I'd had loads of arabic facebook emails recently and it was registered to someone.

Changed all my passwords and deactivated the account..

I'd love to know how it's all happened - my password for hotmail is long, mixed upper and lower case with some numbers and different to any of my other passwords.
Plus I've not entered my password in anything for ages, it's remembered on my mac and I very rarely use msn/hotmail.
