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Multistalk and display adapter

  Renault Clio RT 1.4
Late 1998 Clio mk 2 with a Sony head unit. The remote stalk and the remote display both don't work because the head unit is not a Renault one (thanks Renault ! ). Autoleads don't do a lead to make them both work. Connects2 do but at >£70. Anyone worked out how to avoid the huge cost to make the aftermarket head unit work ?
  Renault Clio RT 1.4
The Bear said:
InCarTec do them for about £36 quid for two interfaces. You can find them on

Don't think it enables the display though.
Thanks for your reply. My research has concluded that the type of lead you mention is readily available from several sources. The challenge is to get a lead that will enable the display to work aswell. As I said, I can get one but at a cost of >£70. I would like a cheaper option that works.
  BMW M135i
Only the connects2 one will make the display work, if you want the display to show something other than just Sony then you're gonna have to pay that £70.
  Mégane RS
yeah lol, stupid price really, i hardly look at mine but its nice to have it working :)
  RenaultSport Clio 172 Mk2
I say it doesn't matter as long as it shows the time and temp.

Volume controls on the steering wheel is more important IMO.
  Leon Cupra R 225
Bought a similar connects2 lead for my mk2 cost me a fortune for what it is :(

But nice to have volume on the wheel again :)
  RS Megane DCi 175
I'll probably be selling mine - I'll put a thread up when I get some pics.
I was ideally looking to sell it with the Sony headunit tho!
