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My 1st Car

  1.2 Clio Dynamique
This is my 1st car, 1.2 16v clio. Any suggestions on what small changes i can change to the apperance ?
I need to change the door trims as the previous owner had sprayed them but its all coming off.



ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio
looks tidy

only mods i would do to that are silvervisions and rs grill

pics of the door trims
  'Berg Sold, Cupra-R
Enjoy it....

As above, silvervisions and RS grille? And a diamond for the front?
  1.2 Clio Dynamique
cheers for the comments, the front diamond is at the painters along with the rear badge & mirror caps gettin sprayed black to match the body. Sorry to sound a noob but what are silvervisions and an rs grille ?



rs grill is for the frond bumper and silver visions are indicator bulbs. they look silver and not orange


ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio
here renault or ebay, here about £40 renault about £70 and ebay prices can get rediculus
